Test day at Tabassom’s school
On February 19, 2022, Zineh-ba-ZIne took the second test at Tabassom school.
test is held at the end of each month and its results are recorded in a special
document of students’ profile
subjects such are Dari, Math, English, Science and Pashto which are included in this Test.
For each subject, 5 questions are asked in the form of four options and for
each correct answer, 1 point is considered.
teachers evaluate the results, and they believe their students are prepared for the basic school programs in the coming school


Tabassom Charity Bakery (3) started operating
Today is Sunday, the 29 Jan in 2022 A.D. In one of the poorer areas of western Kabul, Ghazi Castle, Ziba Town, Tabassom Charity Bakery (3) was opened and started by the Hazara Foundation.
The bakery is supposed to provide bread daily for 120 needy families in the area.
The initial cost of this bakery is provided by the Hazara community Geelong, German Kessel Mosque, and charitable personalities are provided.
This action and initiative of the Hazara Foundation have been welcomed by the locals. Expressing satisfaction with the work and activities of this bakery, they want to expand and expand its activities in different areas of Kabul.
Abdullah Hemmati, head of the Hazara Foundation in Afghanistan, assured the people of the transparency in the process of identifying vulnerable families and expressed concern about the existing social challenges.
He called on residents and elders to assist the Hazara Foundation survey team in identifying families in need.
Mr. Hemmati stated that these days, there is a great demand for charitable bakeries to address the office of the Hazara Foundation in different parts of Kabul. This foundation does not have enough resources to expand its activities. He also called on national businessmen and international donors to provide financial support to the Hazara Foundation to strengthen the Tabassom bakeries.